
Shitty sketch self portrait


Architecture. a whimsical or extravagant structure built to serve as a conversation piece, lend interest to a view, commemorate a person or event, etc.: found especially in England in the 18th century.

Also; I do some foolish things in order to learn things for myself. Double meaning. Aren't I clever? Ha... ha.

I am a professional weirdo, game dev, web dev, software engineer, system admin, sketchy artist, pixel animator, musician, etc, etc, etc. I had a lot of time to learn a lot of things. I was told about 20 years ago that I could not single-handedly learn all the skills to make an ORPG. So I did it. Suck it, forum assholes. I have mastered nothing but I know a couple things about a couple things.

People who have known me a while call me Wolf. I usually respond quicker to that than any other name so that's just what I call myself most of the time.

This site serves as a log of projects and thoughts, it is not really edited or planned; whatever comes up comes out. I swear a lot sometimes, you've been warned. I also sometimes have really bad depressive episodes now and then and will kinda... drop off the face of the earth. But I come back afterward, no worries.

I work on projects ranging from art to hardware to complex web APIs to games of course. I run my own servers and manage everything by my onesie, not just because I can't afford to pay someone to do it. I enjoy doing all of this or I wouldn't be doing it. There's always something to learn or improve and I am a huge fuckin' nerd with a dell r710 in his bedroom and roughly a dozen raspberry pi based servers running stuff around my apartment.

Contact Me

I can be contacted by e-mail: [email protected] or on discord.