The MMO Project Part 18: Mmnope.

Took a long chunk of time off, restructured the project management quite a bit. Needed fresh eyes before I continued on here, don't want to go too far down the wrong path and the map stuff has had me really stressed out. It is really important I don't screw it up fundamentally and eat a shit sandwich of massive refactoring later on down the line or having to just rewrite the whole thing completely and all the systems that interact with it.
It's now time to clock out. It went poorly. I need to figure some shit out. I think I have become depressed. Nothing I did today worked out. Basically did nothing. Had a whole post, was rambling and pointless. Might work on the MMO project like 1-3 days a week from now on to prevent burnout. Wiki.JS sucks. MMOs nowadays are hollow and soulless feeling to me. Glad for private servers. Stood in the cold rain, couldn't wake up, eyes burn again. Bad day. Also fuck AlienData, shitty host. That about sums it all up. Hopefully tomorrow goes better. Will probably be working on Mantilogs or Tamakai.