Godot Setting up Project Management I set up the gitlab repo with project management and having broke it down into systems and steps I realize it's a bit large but I think if I keep to the milestones and try to keep things simple I should be able to pull it off. I
Rust lang 3 days of Rust and Planning So I have one more day left in the course and I have to say Rust is pretty great but it does require you to change a lot of the way you think about things and has lead to my brain just not functioning correctly for a few days, I
Rust Cool Rust Stuff Wot I found Before I get started on the short section of coursework I have planned for today I decided to go out and look for interesting Rust stuff. The following is what I found. Are We Game Yet? - We've got all you really need it seems. It's
Rust lang More Rust and the return to Godot? First up, gonna be working through more of this Rust course, really enjoying it actually. I quite like the way this language works so far, seems to click in my head. We'll see how I feel by the end of the course, though. After 2 sections of this
Arduino Paying Technical Debts The last few days I spent setting things up, fixing stuff, paying technical debts and working on hardware projects. Yesterday I finally fixed the issue with my Pi server booting from USB. It was the enclosure I was using. You have to make sure when you plug it in that
C++ Now what? So I finished that React Rest Framework course and booted my prototype out the door. I got my 3D printer setup and mostly calibrated (Need better bed adhesion, also probably going to get an auto bed level system, too). I've got a vast network of paths before me
Day Off The Next Prototype Game It turns out I am sick, had to lay down for a while yesterday afternoon and last night I was very cold. Caused me to go to 9pm with my coursework yesterday, hence no post. Today I will have to setup and calibrate a 3D printer as well, so today&
C# Two Days; One Post First of all, I just discovered this https://www.si.edu/openaccess which is great for game devs if you ask me. That's a whole lot of CC0 goodness for all kinds of applications. Good shit, Smithsonian. I will take a shot at 3D printing something from this,
C# The Second Alchemist's Weapon I decided today that I didn't need 6 pets to have a complete prototype for this project. It seems like twice what I actually would need, thinking about it. The whole point is to learn my way around unity and have some stuff I can reuse while creating
Day Off Quick Sunday Post about DevOps Today I started working on a short course to help acclimate myself with some different tech, I have never used docker with any python projects before, in fact I rarely every bothered with it as I never really had much need for it. Though after getting a docker container set
Day Off Quick Mantilogs post Spent the day adding pagination to the logs for geckos in mantilogs, as well as log searching. Then played Minecraft for some reason and hung out with my bud Vyv. It was a nice day. Cheers.
C# I'm back, babeh! I went through a bit of a period of searching for myself. It happens now and then, usually brought on by depression. That feeling that nothing I will do really matters and a need to find a way to make something that will change the world for the better. It
C# Enemy combat and leveling up equipment. Today I set out to get the enemy combat and following AI in as well as the Weapon and Armor leveling. I managed to get it in pretty early despite a late start for the day... which is surprising. I will probably be taking the rest of the day to
Golang Item Databases, Basic Combat and Learning Go Decided I needed to learn something new again, Go was on the list and it has some nice concurrency and threading which is something I was missing with Python and is a nightmare to handle in C++ so I set about learning it. I am deciding on a project to
Game Dev A basic dungeon Today I created a basic dungeon and some enemies, worked out the lighting and the trigger to change lighting and spawn enemies. I am feeling pretty drained for some reason today, so I will keep this brief with pictures. I did manage to fix the issue where the sprites for
django Xmas Eve and The Mantilogs Morph Calculator The beginning. Now we got recursive morph deconstruction and filtering. I'll just add some links and pictures to this and call it a day since it's Xmas eve after all. There's a lot of missing morphs of course. Mew is responsible for adding that
Game Dev (Hopefully) Completing the Pet transformations. I plan to make the first armor and weapon sprites today. I will only have a single frame attack animation since I want it to be quick, snappy and smooth to transition to and from. Also I don't want to have to do 32 frames per armor. This
django Pet generators and wearing pets as armor Today I could work on Tamakai or on the Philosopher project. Feeling pretty tired, hoping the tea will kick in soon... but I might do a bit of work on both. I want to add the pet generation to account creation on Tamakai and hopefully get the pet to armor
The Alchemist Project The Alchemist Project Part 2 Today I worked on the pets, getting them walking around and getting the UI hooked up. I do need to lock sprite rotation properly but they now wander and avoid obstacles and each-other. I got the pet UI in and wired up to functions on the pet it represents. I
Unity The Alchemist Project So today I spent trying to work out the Unity state machine animation. Still not sure exactly how it all works but I have something that works well enough for now. Next I set about making a basic inventory system and some repopulating mining nodes. Get close to a node,
django Tamakai and Unity I've spent the last few days learning my way around Unity again. It's only crashed on me once so that's a new record. I did manage to get some things done that I wanted to do with Godot but couldn't so that&
Game Dev Recovery. It's been a rough couple of weeks for me, hit a wall, got depressed, got sick. Cyberjank came out, it is a good game under all the bugs though, as far as I am concerned. Though I never boarded the hype train. It is as I expected, given
Day Off A Saturday Post Alright, having thought about it and slept on it I think I can fix the problems with the MMO project in one place where I think it is going wrong. Also I want to attempt compiling Poco libs into a GDNative extension, if I can do that I will have
The MMO Project The MMO Project Part 19: Another dimension or scrap it, we're starting over. TL;DR: I unraveled the yarn of my code to see the way I had designed everything would lead to massive rewrites across the board. I need to rewrite it all with a plan this time. To be honest I am surprised I got this far without a plan. I
Groundwork part 2 I had hoped to be coding today but the new host may be as inept as the old host. Time will tell. So that disk space issue was apparently linked to their image for Ubuntu 20 which I was using because I usually just use Ubuntu for servers since it